
Capitol View from East Wing

Ask the Governor – July 11, 2014 (AUDIO)

Ask the Governor is a monthly presentation of Radio PA and This is the program for July, taped on 7/11/14…just one day after the governor announced line-item vetoes of some funding for the state legislature. He discusses that move in-depth and also updates us on pension reform, efforts to privatize state liquor stores, Medicaid, the efforts to levy a cigarette tax for Philadelphia city schools, his response to the Attorney General’s report on the Sandusky investigation, non-budget bills he recently signed into law and much more. The governor also expresses some candid thoughts on why he’s having so much difficulty working with a state legislature run by his fellow republicans.

Our next program will be coming up on August 4th. Check back regularly with for updated program information. Submit your questions or comments for the governor today by clicking the Ask the Governor link at the top of this page.

Click the player below to listen to the entire program.

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Ask the Governor – June 17, 2014 (AUDIO)

Ask the Governor is a monthly presentation of Radio PA and This is the program for June, taped on 6/17/14. Topics include the high-gear budget talks; the chances for an extraction tax for natural gas; public pension reform; the UPMC/Highmark clash; the death of Lewis Katz and much more, including listener and web viewer emails.

Our next program will be coming up in July. Check back regularly with for updated program information. Submit your questions or comments for the governor today by clicking the Ask the Governor link at the top of this page.

Click the player below to listen to the entire program.

Audio Player