COMING SOON – Primary Election Preview Coverage
The 2018 Pennsylvania Primary Election is coming up on Tuesday, May 15th and to help you prepare for the crucial decisions that await you in the voting booth, Radio PA and PAMatters will provide extensive election preview material starting this Monday (May 7th).
We will have candidate interviews, analysis and a 2-hour special presentation from Radio PA entitled “Primary Choices: 2018.” Every Republican U.S. Senate and gubernatorial candidate was invited to participate in this coverage and you’ll get to meet all those who agreed to take part (Democrat incumbents Senator Bob Casey and Governor Tom Wolf are unopposed in their primaries). Hear about the candidates’ early influences, their motivations for seeking public office and their plans for the future. Each of our candidate interviews will be posted on PAMatters in their entirety, as part of our voter outreach in this critical mid-term election year.
Polls will be open from 7:00am until 8:00pm on Tuesday, May 15th, but it’s never too early to begin preparing for the sacred right that brings us to the ballot box twice a year. Make sure your voice is heard on May 15th!