BLOG: The National Conventions According to Google
The candidates’ wives are proving to be real assets in the presidential race. After Ann Romney stole the show last week in Tampa, Michele Obama was the most searched speaker leading up to the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte. “We saw her searches skyrocket as she took to the podium, increasing 500% as she started to speak,” Abbi Tatton with the Google Elections Team tells us.
Political cartoonist Jeff Darcy says it better than I ever could.
When I checked in with the Google Elections Team from the Republican National Convention, last week, I learned that the related search terms are sometimes the most telling. For instance, the top-related search term for GOP VP pick Paul Ryan was briefly “shirtless.” In light of the famous actor’s eyebrow-raising RNC speech, it would seem that “Clint Eastwood” is one of the top-related search terms for President Barack Obama this week.
The platforms and issues may not be what’s hot online just yet, but give it time. Tatton says Pew Research has found that one in three of us will be using online video to research the candidates this year.