Entries by PAMatters

State Senator Proposes Legalizing Marijuana

A state senator is trying again to get Pennsylvania to legalize marijuana.   Saying there’s no real evidence that it’s a gateway drug, Senator Daylin Leach (D-Montgomery) says its cruel and irrational to continue the prohibition of marijuana. Senator Leach says there’s no lethal dose of marijuana, unlike alcohol and keeping its use criminal is destroying […]

State House Votes for “Green Buildings”

New state construction projects would have to meet high-performance energy standards under legislation that’s just passed the House with a 163 – 32-vote.  Supporters call it a win for both the environment and the taxpayer. PennFuture policy director Steve Stroman says “green buildings” typically use 20 – 40% less energy.  “A green building may cost […]

PA Reactions to Pope’s Impending Resignation

Elected at the age of 78 in 2005, Pope Benedict XVI was the oldest pope to be chosen in nearly 300-years.  Today’s announcement from the 85-year-old pontiff will make him the first pope to resign in nearly 600-years.  Diocese of Harrisburg Bishop Joseph McFadden says the news brings a mix of sadness and gratitude.  Like […]

New Study Looks at Election Performance State By State

How long do voters have to wait, can they register on line and how often are registrations rejected?  Those are some of the issues reviewed in a new Election Performance Index. The first ever study of election performance by the Pew Charitable Trusts find Pennsylvania in the middle of the pack for both 2008 and […]