Entries by PAMatters

Resolution Calls for Study on Combining Two Pennsylvania Commissions

Is it time for the Pennsylvania Game Commission and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat commission to join forces?  A resolution to take a new look at the idea is moving through the legislature. The house Game and Fisheries Committee has unanimously approved the resolution calling for a study on the impact of merging the two […]

Radio PA Roundtable 03.15.13

On this week’s Radio PA Roundtable, Brad Christman and Matt Paul sit down with Governor Tom Corbett to discuss his slumping poll numbers and the state of the economy. This week’s show also features an explanation of the “Pay-to-Play” scandal at the Turnpike that’s resulted in criminal charges, and we’ll hear Harrisburg Bishop Joseph McFadden’s thoughts […]

Is it Time for a Name Change at the DPW?

A broad-based coalition is forming in the push to change the name of Pennsylvania’s Department of Public Welfare.  A letter of support delivered to the General Assembly last week was signed by five former governors: George Leader, Dick Thornburgh, Tom Ridge, Mark Schweiker and Ed Rendell.  It begins by stating, “Words matter. Names matter. Stigma lasts.” […]

Charges Reveal Pay-to-Play History at Turnpike

A years-long grand jury investigation finds that in order to get big Pennsylvania Turnpike contracts… you had to pay-to-play.  Eight men now face criminal charges: one former lawmaker, five former Turnpike Commission officials and two businessmen.  The biggest name in the bunch is former state Senate Democratic Leader Bob Mellow, who’s already serving a federal […]