Entries by PAMatters

More Than a Dozen State Lawmakers Are Leaving Their Seats

Expect more turnover in the state legislature with at least 16 lawmakers leaving to take new posts or announcing they will not seek re-election.   Six house members have been elected to new posts: Montgomery County Commissioner, Philadelphia Sheriff, Philadelphia City Council, Lehigh County Judge and Allegheny County Controller.  Several representatives and senators will retire at […]

New Year’s Day is Most Dangerous for Young Adults

The Pennsylvania Medical Society says New Year’s Day is the most dangerous holiday for young adults, and drinking is part of the problem.   Government statistics show emergency room visits for underage drinking on New Year’s have surpassed other national holidays.  Dr. Henry Unger, president of the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians, […]

FEMA Urges People to Resolve to be Prepared in 2012

The Federal Emergency Management Agency wants everyone to make a resolution to be better prepared in 2012.   Administrator Craig Fugate says if you do nothing else, visit ready.gov and book mark the page. Fugate says the first step for preparedness is to develop a family communication plan. He says in an emergency, cell phone systems […]

Corbett Administration Eyes Capital Budget Reforms

  On the same week that Governor Tom Corbett signed a capital budget bill, his budget secretary was vowing to reduce the commonwealth’s capital debt.  “The level of capital issuance that the commonwealth was doing from the prior administration was unsustainable,” says Budget Secretary Charles Zogby.  The Corbett administration’s goal is to reduce spending on […]

Radio PA Roundtable 12.23.11

Radio PA Roundtable is a 30-minute program featuring in-depth reporting on the top news stories of the week. Professionally produced and delivered every Friday, Roundtable includes commercial breaks for local sale and quarterly reports for affiliate files. Click the audio player below to hear the full broadcast: [audio:https://s3.amazonaws.com/witfaudio/radiopa/Roundtable12-23-11.mp3]

Flurry of Bills Signed

In the wake of all the yearend legislative activity, Governor Tom Corbett signed 23 bills on Thursday.  Perhaps the most controversial new law (SB 732) will hold abortion facilities to the same standards as ambulatory surgical centers throughout the state.  “It is extremely disappointing that Governor Corbett signed this politically-motivated bill into law,” Planned Parenthood […]

New Teen Driver Law Takes Effect

Pennsylvania’s new teen driver law took on Tuesday, December 27th and the state representative who fought for the changes believes it will make a difference.    Representative Kathy Watson (R-Bucks) says studies show the greatest distraction for a new teen driver is other teens in the vehicle.   Under the changes, junior drivers will not be […]

State Police Plan Holiday Enforcement

Pennsylvania State Police are stepping up enforcement for the Christmas holiday, with extra patrols on the roads. Troopers will focus on seatbelt and child safety seat use as well as driving under the influence enforcement. Spokesman Sgt. Anthony Manetta says drivers are asked to drive defensively, courteously and avoid distractions behind the wheel. Sgt. Manetta […]

Don’t Indulge, Imagine

A little imagination may be all it takes to resist those holiday treats, according to research out of Carnegie Mellon University.  Assistant Professor of Marketing Carey Morewedge tells us decades of research shows that ignoring your cravings won’t work.  So he set up a series of experiments that went in the opposite direction. “When people […]